Hi, and welcome to my Monday Musings. I skipped last week Monday, so this is a two week update.

The last week of January my oldest had the week off school before the second semester started. We made good use of that time to get up to date on doctor’s visits, dentist visits, and some pampering.

And then my youngest tested positive for COVID. Luckily, it was pretty mild, and miracle of miracles, nobody else in the house got sick, at all. He is back on his feet and back to school today. It also means I can get out and about and I’m looking forward to catching up with some friends this week.

Time just flies. It’s only February, but already I’ve started to think about the summer break. Places we can go. Things we can do. And you have to start early because everything books up so fast. Well, and I like planning. After reading, that’s probably my favorite activity.

Let’s talk about book genres a bit. What’s your favorite? Mine is without a doubt romantic suspense. Nora Roberts was probably one of the very first authors that I read in this genre. But my love affair with romance combined with nail-biting action really took off with Suzanne Brockman’s Troubleshooters and Karen Rose’s book Die for Me. I devoured every single book in those series and that led me down a rabbit hole of more authors, books, and series.

Other favorite romantic suspense authors are Allison Brennan, Julie Garwood, Lisa Gardner, Laura Griffin, Kat Martin, Brenda Novak, Karin Slaughter, Julie Ann Walker, and Rebecca Zanetti. What are some of your favorite authors for romantic suspense? What I really love about these books are that they usually have strong, interesting characters, there’s obviously a murder or some other mystery to solve, and lots and lots of nerve-wracking action scenes. But they would not be complete without a love story to temper all that adrenaline. Although, if it’s done well, the romance adds to the adrenaline rush.

And now, onto the reading part of this post.

My reading past and present:
(For mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. For PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


Not all of these have a review on my blog. Reviews take time, and sometimes I just want to read a book without doing a review as well.


I look forward to my reading list this week and some extra ones will probably be added to the list as the week goes on.


I have been re-reading the Kingmaker Chronicles by Amanda Bouchet. Magic, feudal families, an epic love story that will save the world. What more can you possibly want?

You can find more recommendations from me here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for musing with me on this beautiful Monday.