3 Stars from me.

Ever since Alberto Carlesso discovered his wayward son had left him with three grandchildren, he has been on a mission to find them and bring them home. Malcolm was the first one and joined the family at the age of 12. And only years later did they find his two sisters, Keira, who is 12, and Callie, who is 26. Malcolm had a difficult time adjusting to having two sisters living in the same house, especially a teenager with plenty of emotional needs.

The story started slow, introducing the main characters and their histories. The back stories for all the characters are very interesting, and it makes for a very diverse group of people. The author packed a lot of history into the first part of the book, and at times it read more like a bullet-point list of all the facts, instead of allowing the reader to discover everything as the story flows.

The characters were all engaging and everyone grew as they faced their fears and struggled to find their place in this new situation. I enjoyed Delaney’s journey and felt like she grew the most. The romantic relationships developed well and was very believable.

The plot twist with Paulo felt a bit awkward at times, as though the story needed a crisis that had to be solved to contribute to the characters’ growth and dynamic. I don’t know that it was really necessary to have played out exactly the way it did.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. The title fits the plot perfectly.

Was I hooked by this book? I would say yes.

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Women’s Fiction