Hi, and welcome to my Monday Musings.

Another fairly quiet week where I was busy with work, kids, and the household chores. I’m happy to say my dog is still doing great after his surgery.

It was a warmer week, and it’s always a pleasure to get a little break from the cold. But with it came more snow melting on the roads and the car gets so dirty so quickly. Still, it’s not a huge price to pay to be able to shed the uber-thick winter coat for a few days.

Friday evening I spent scrapbooking with a friend and a glass of wine or two. I really love doing the scrapbooking pages and looking back through all my efforts. And if you are a crafty person with a hobby like this, you probably also have shelves full of stuff. Stuff I know I should use before I buy new stuff, but it’s so hard to resist! There are constantly new ideas and new items becoming available. I’m also very grateful for my fellow scrapbooker, and our time working side-by-side, otherwise I would be even further behind than I am at the moment.

Saturday was a time of some panic cleaning, because I had friends over for dinner. If it wasn’t for dinner parties, my house would probably not get cleaned nearly often enough. Who wants to clean when you can read?

And now, onto the reading part of this post.

My reading past and present:
(For mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. For PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


Not all of these have a review on my blog. Reviews take time, and sometimes I just want to read a book without doing a review as well.


I look forward to my reading list this week and some extra ones will probably be added to the list as the week goes on.


I have joined the read-along on the blog by Books of My Heart of the Night Huntress series by Jeanine Frost. I’ve read the entire series and the spinoffs before, and I loved them, so I’m joining in for this read-along. I can also recommend these book if you love paranormal romance. Read them in order.

You can find more recommendations from me here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for musing with me on this beautiful Monday.