Hi, and welcome to my Monday Musings.

Another week has flown by. The time was filled with work, driving kids all over the place, and shoveling snow. And reading, of course. It was a 5-day weekend for us, which is fabulous. No getting up early or making school runs and it’s amazing how much time I can save during the day if that isn’t happening.

On Saturday evening we had friends over for dinner and it was fabulous, as always. And Sunday morning we woke up to a lot of snow coming down. Beautiful to look at, not so much when you have to clean it off the driveway and sidewalk. Of course, the deer come out when there’s snow and that’s always a treat to see, even if they’re eating my plants.

Today, let’s talk about historical romance. I know this can vary wildly and come in all sorts of tropes, the forced marriage, enemies to friends, forbidden love, second chance at love, the fake relationships, and so on. Do you have a favorite? I don’t, not really. I do like it best when the hero is a man who makes his lady feel cherished, wanted, and safe to be herself, even if the rest of the world around her doesn’t. And, in line with my romantic suspense obsession, if there’s some mystery and intrigue involved, the better.

I cannot remember where my love for historical romance started, I’ve read so many books over the years. But some of my favorite authors are (in no particular order, except maybe alphabetical): Jennifer Ashley, Kate Bateman, Anna Bennet, Joanna Bourne, Darcy Burke, Kerrigan Byrne, Loretta Chase, Tessa Dare, Suzanne Enoch, Diana Gabaldon, Shana Galen, Julie Garwood, Lorraine Heath, Elizabeth Hoyt, Madeline Hunter, Eloisa James, Sabrina Jeffries, Sophie Jordan, Lisa Kleypas, Julia London, Sarah MacLean, Julie McElwain, Judith McNaught, Julia Quinn, Erica Ridley, Sherry Thomas, and I’m sure I missed some. Who do you like best?

Besides, what’s not to love? The dashing heroes, the scrumptious dresses, the rebellious young ladies, the forbidden looks, clandestine meetings, it’s all fun.

And now on to the book part of the post.

My reading past and present:
(For mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. For PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


Not all of these have a review on my blog. Reviews take time, and sometimes I just want to read a book without doing a review as well.


I look forward to my reading list this week and some extra ones will probably be added to the list as the week goes on.


I have continued my reread of the Troubleshooters by Suzanne Brockman.

You can find more recommendations from me here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for musing with me on this beautiful Monday.