
Everspell is the fifth book in The Kindred series. I haven’t read any of the previous ones. I didn’t need to have read any of them to still get a wonderful complete sense of the world, it was done that well. The book also starts with Brom listening in on the Varroki and Runa getting a history lesson by a Gira as well as a witch. This filled in a lot of the gaps that had me a bit confused initially. The biggest thing I missed out on was exactly who the other main players were and how they came to be in that particular place in the story. Other than that, the book read perfectly fine without all the prior knowledge. But it would probably be best to start at number one and read them in order.

Brom and Runa had a connection even before they met, through some dreams that Brom had about her. The attraction was clear from the beginning and I enjoyed seeing them together.  

It took a bit of time to get to the climax of the story. Brom and Runa had some harrowing experiences together and apart. Runa was throughout it all very determined to save her grandmother and her sister, though she hadn’t even met them.

I think what I also missed was that usual feeling of animosity you might have towards the villain. And that’s probably because I started with this book and missed the previous ones. I assume the reader builds up towards hating Sybbyl more over time as the series progesses.

All-in-all it’s a well-written story, and it ends this chapter very neatly. The ending does imply that there is more to come.

My review is a bit late to be considered an ARC, but thank you to the author for providing me with a copy of the book.

Was I hooked by this book? For the most part, yes.

Genre: Fantasy Romance