Welcome to another Monday Musings. Happy New Year! This is more a look back at the last two weeks of December. It went way too..
Welcome to another Monday Musings. It's been two weeks again, how did that happen? We had a wonderful Christmas potluck dinner with a whole bunch..
Welcome to another Monday Musings. It's December and the Christmas spirit is everywhere! I love it. My tree and decorations are already up and my..
Welcome to another Monday Musings. Technically, it's Tuesday, but since I missed last week I thought it's better to be bit late than miss another..
Welcome to another Monday Musings. How are you all doing? Looks like I skipped over the first week of November. Well, better late than never...
Welcome to another Monday Musings. How are you all doing? I skipped last week's post, so here are two weeks' worth of thoughts and stuff...
Welcome to another Monday Musings. How are you all doing? Fall is in full swing here. I just love all the colors and the cooler..
Welcome to another Monday Musings. How are you all doing? It's Thanksgiving day here in Canada today. We celebrated it on Saturday with friends. It..
Welcome to another Monday Musings. How are you all doing? Well, September is over and gone, and October is here. I'm loving the fall colours...
Welcome to another Monday Musings. How are you all doing? We are having a truly warm week here, very unusual for the end of September...
Welcome to another Monday Musings. How are you all doing? Our first week at school and uni went off without a hitch. The high schooler..
Welcome to another Monday Musings. My COVID is definitely in the rearview mirror by now and my ankle is making a slow recovery. At least..