⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Was I hooked by that book? Definitely. Life with Nick and Riley is never dull, and I thoroughly enjoyed this wildly entertaining ride.

Riley Thorn and her hot, tattooed, private investigator boyfriend are all moved into their new fixer upper. Not only do they finally have their own place, they also haven’t found any new dead bodies on the premises. Yep. It looks like summer is over and so is Riley’s bad luck. Or is it? While Nick gives up sleeping and showering to obsess over the cold case that still haunts him, his business partner Mrs. Penny is calling the investigative shots. It’s every bit as bad as you can imagine. Meanwhile, Riley has her hands full fixing up the crumbling crime scene they call home and setting boundaries with the breaking-and-entering octogenarians next door. You know. Normal stuff. But normal comes to a screeching halt when our favorite psychic is abducted by a stranger with candy, and her powers go on the fritz. To make matters worse, it becomes clear that Riley’s new house guests are definitely either in trouble or are trouble after bad guys deliver a warning with a severed finger. Can Nick and Riley solve the case the old-fashioned way before they all end up in pieces? Or will a surprise birthday party, a dog doody bandit, an accidental arson, and a blast from the past be too much for them to handle?


As with the first two books, we are thrown into the action straight away, and then taken back to where it all began. Nick and his dimples are as charming as ever, but this time around he is obsessed with finding Beth and drops the ball in some other important areas. Riley and the rest of his team try to pick up the slack and Mrs. Penny gets them involved in some very strange cases indeed.

You might think the author has reached the pinnacle of over-the-top characters, until Sesame walks in and blows all of them out of the water. With her comes all kinds of trouble, leading to further mischief that had me laughing out loud. Nick and Riley are made for each other, and their relationship gets cemented more firmly.

If you like crime solving shenanigans with your steamy romance, then I can highly recommend this series. I personally think it’s best to read them in order, but it’s not strictly necessary.

Were you hooked by that book? Let me know in the comments below.

Genre: Paranormal Romance
First Published: April 21, 2022
Sensuality Rating: Warm
Series: Riley Thorn