⭐⭐⭐⭐ Was I hooked by that book? Yes. A comedy of errors and an endearing romance made this a thoroughly entertaining read.

Daphne McFadden already knows that as a female author, the cards are stacked against her. Now she knows just how much. Because her sudden whim to pose as an “outdoorsy hunk of masculinity” male author for her new book just resulted in the a bidding war, a huge book deal, and the kind of fame every author dreams of. Now she’s in big trouble. Because she needs to convince the world that Zane Remington actually exists, but how? By hiring an actor, of course. Only Chris Stanton is not an actor, not officially. He’s used to balancing the books, not pretending he wrote one. Still, he’s mostly certain he can pose as some overly macho bro-author. But when the media descend on Daphne’s gorgeous remote home in the Yukon, it’s not enough for Chris to just be the face of Zane Remington, he’ll have to become him. All while hilariously balancing the terrifying dangers of the wilderness, a massive femme fandom, and a serious crush on Daphne. But as the hype circus gets more out of control, it’s just a matter of time before someone discovers their little write lie.


Daphne’s reasons for submitting her book as Zane Remmington made complete sense, but the whole situation got very complicated very fast. Chris was funny and self-deprecating, even when he pretended to be an arrogant author. He made some major mistakes in his quest to help Daphne, but he had the best of intentions and got it right in the end. Daphne had to compromise so much, the poor woman, and she was stuck on this runaway train of her own making. But her determination to see it through and her willingness to forgive carried her through it all.

These two found themselves in quite a few hilarious and somewhat ridiculous pickles. I enjoyed the chemistry between them and their growing affection for each other. The interviews and other public appearances made for some very amusing reading. And everything worked out just perfectly.

The story is told from both Chris and Daphne’s perspectives in the third person. I can highly recommend this if you enjoy a steamy romcom. See what other readers are saying on Goodreads.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Were you hooked by that book? Let me know in the comments below.

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: June 24, 2024
Sensuality Rating: Subtle