⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Was I hooked by that book? Definitely. Chaos follows in the wake of a deadly curse with Ty, Mira, and her demon working against time to find the source.

It’s always a demon, right? Unless it’s a curse… When a fellow PTF agent dies of unnatural causes, Ty suspects a demon, so who better to help him track down the killer than his demon-possessed partner, Mira? But one wrong turn in the investigation lands Ty in the crosshairs of a deadly curse that turns simple desires into lethal obsessions. With less than 48 hours until Ty’s sanity unravels completely, the partners must track down the culprit and neutralize the magic, or Mira will lose the only person she’s ever let near her heart.


I absolutely adored the way that Ty reacted to the curse. The curse was a very bad thing, believe me, but Ty’s actions and Mira’s attempts to corral him added some levity to a very grim situation. The two of them were growing closer, working well together, and playing a little bit with fire when it came to the unacknowledged attraction between them.

This magical mystery was engaging and thrilling. I enjoyed the author’s descriptive writing style that led us from clue to clue through some pretty gruesome moments. It packed quite a punch for a novella, giving us a fully formed story filled with unsettling suspense and no stone left unturned.

This series is connected to The Magicsmith series, but you don’t have to read that series first to be able to enjoy this one. It is better to read the books in order in each series as the events build on each other. I can highly recommend this if you like urban fantasy and the possibility of a romance.

Thank you to the author and Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Were you hooked by that book? Let me know in the comments below.

Genre: Fantasy
Published: September 13, 2024
Sensuality Rating: Subtle 
Series: The Rifter
Other books in the series: Demon Riding Shotgun, Personal Demons