Quickie Reviews are what it says, a short one paragraph review for those books that didn’t get a full page review.

Kilt Trip by Alexandra Kiley on Hooked By That Book

Kilt Trip by Alexandra Kiley

Addie is in Scotland to help the Sutherland family turn their tour company around. Logan is determined to get her out of the office and to show her the Scotland that he loves so much. He creates a private tour that will take Addie to the places that were special to her mother. But Addie’s contract is almost up, and magic won’t pay the bills. They can’t afford distractions, but how can Addie do her job if she hasn’t explored all Scotland, and Logan, have to offer?

⭐⭐⭐⭐ I fell in love with Scotland and Addie and Logan as a couple, as Logan tried to show Addie the magic in the country. I loved the detailed descriptions of the people and the landscape and the way it opened Addie’s heart to love again. Addie’s continuing grief after her mother’s death was so palpable and it painted all the experiences in a bittersweet light. This was a beautiful, sweet romance, but also a kind of poignant love story between Addie, her memories of her mother, and Scotland.

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: March 5, 2024
Sensuality Rating: Warm

Crossroads by Devney Perry on Hooked By That Book

Crossroads by Devney Perry

Indya and West met as kids when her parents took them on vacation to West’s family ranch. As teenagers, their friendship turned intimate. Now, years later, Indya is the new owner of the ranch and West is not happy to have her as his boss.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Another winner from Devney Perry and an excellent start to a series that I’m very much looking forward to.

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: June 4, 2024
Sensuality Rating: Hot
Series: Haven River Ranch

Just Do It by Maxine Morrey on Hooked By That Book

Just Do It by Maxine Morrey

Finn and Lizzie share a magical night together, only for Lizzie to find out that Finn is the contractor at her museum for some much-needed renovations. Lizzie doesn’t mix business with pleasure and she tries her best to keep Finn at arm’s distance.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ This was such a lovely, sweet romance. I almost always enjoy reading a book more than watching the movie (not that there’s a movie for this book, my point is coming), but the entire time I imagined this as a story that would work really well on a screen. Because this is all about Finn and Lizzie meeting, spending time together, and falling in love. With a third-act break-up, a perfect grovel, and an equally satisfying ending. And it may not sound like much, but I was all in for the entire time.

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: January 18, 2024
Sensuality Rating: Warm

Alone in the Wild by Kelley Armstrong on Hooked By That Book

Alone in the Wild by Kelley Armstrong

The hidden town of Rockton is about to face a challenge none of them saw coming: a baby.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ This case brought Casey and Eric into contact with a few of the groups living in the wilds outside of Rockton. I thoroughly enjoyed the more in-depth look into these communities and how they operate. It feels as if we are becoming more acquainted and comfortable with Rockton and its residents. I love Casey and Eric and their relationship dynamic.

Genre: Suspense
Published: February 4, 2020
Sensuality Rating: Subtle
Series: Rockton/Casey Duncan

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