⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Was I hooked by that book? Without a doubt. I loved Riley Thorn and Nick Santiago and their outrageous antics. A nice, normal life...
Quickie Reviews are what it says, a short one paragraph review for those books that didn’t get a full page review. Luck of the Draw..
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Was I hooked by that book? Yes. Watch Henry and Julia quietly fall in love in this charming romance while their families scheme and..
March 2024 brought a lot of 5 star reads and plenty of other great books. I definitely had more time for reading on my hands...
Welcome to my Monday Musings. It's April already. Any good April Fool's jokes out there? We had one tense afternoon of registering my oldest for..
Quickie Reviews are what it says, a short one paragraph review for those books that didn’t get a full page review. The Wall of Winnipeg..
⭐⭐⭐ Was I hooked by that book? Yes. The red-headed, green-eyed triplets that stoked up some superstitions and prejudices just by existing made for a..
Here are all the new releases I’m excited about and some ARCs I have lined up for April 2024. Ideally, I would get around to..
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Was I hooked by that book? Absolutely. Check & Mate is a heartwarming story of rediscovering passions and finding that one perfect person. Mallory..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. We had a wild week weather-wise. It started dumping snow on Tuesday and didn't let up until Sunday morning. But..
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Was I hooked by that book? Yes. Exciting action, decades-old mysteries that need solving, and cheeky ghosts, what more do you need? Verity's quest..
Quickie Reviews are what it says, a short one paragraph review for those books that didn't get a full page review. Habeas Corpus by Rebecca..