Welcome to another Monday Musings. My COVID is definitely in the rearview mirror by now and my ankle is making a slow recovery. At least I’m mobile. Thursday, the 1st, was the first day of school for my youngest. New school and all and it seems to have gone well. The day was mostly used for orientation and touring the school, Friday was a half-day, and today was Labour Day. Meaning that tomorrow can be considered the first “real” day of school. It’s also my oldest’s first day at uni. I think the nerves are riding high right now. I might have to plan something fun for this coming weekend to get everyone to decompress again a little. What do you do to destress?

And now on to the reading part of the post. (To find out more about the books: For mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. For PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


I only managed to get one review done, but it was a good one.


I look forward to my reading list this week and some extra ones will probably be added to the list as the week goes on.


I have been reading along with the Read-along hosted by a fellow blogger, Books of my Heart. Currently we are reading the books from the Night Huntress Universe by Jeaniene Frost. I’ve read these books more than once now, and I’m enjoying them even more the second or third time around. It’s also been a lot of fun discussing the books with fellow readers.

You can find more recommendations here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for musing with me on this beautiful Monday.