Welcome to my Monday Musings. It was an interesting and very enjoyable week. I have a friend whose job is to make clothing colour and style recommendations and I went to see her last week. Apart from having a lot of fun talking with her, I also learned quite a lot. This led to a big wardrobe purge and it will definitely help me when I venture out clothes shopping again.

On Wednesday I met up with a friend and the two of us had a grand time walking by the river in the city. It was a gorgeous day. Lunch was at the Strip Joint. I just loved the theme and ambience and it was really good chicken strips to boot. Thursday I had a coffee date with another friend. Friday, a friend and I had an impromptu mall visit. I was in the vicinity after dropping my kids off at their various classes and she happened to be free. And it was my daughter’s birthday last week. The weekend was fairly quiet. We also had a couple of heavy rainy days, which I always love.

And now on to the reading part of the post. (Mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


I posted two new reviews this past week and the latest quickie reviews are here.


I have actually finished reading The Worst Duke in London, my review is coming soon. Some more will inevitably be added as the week goes on.


Nothing new for this week.


You can find more recommendations here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for joining me on this Monday Musings adventure.