Welcome to my Monday Musings. School and work is back in full swing and the kids are busy, busy, busy. The extra activities are also slowly picking up pace. My online work has slowed down a lot, so I have more free time on my hands these days. I’ll have to rethink my daily schedule to be a bit more productive and find other ways to keep my body and mind occupied. I do enjoy the extra reading time, that is never a waste.

Last week was a super rainy week for us, but I love that kind of weather. That’s all over now, and this week we can look forward to a couple of warm days, before it cools down somewhat. No sign of winter yet, fingers crossed. I don’t have a lot planned out yet for this week, but I feel excited about my to-do list.

And now on to the reading part of the post. (Mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


I managed to catch up with 3 reviews this week, but I have quite a few left to go. There are no new quickie reviews. Dark Restraint was a DNF for me. I’ve been enjoying this series and I really want to know what’s going to happen next, but I just couldn’t get into this particular relationship. Maybe I’ll give it another try at some point in time.


Some more will inevitably be added as the week goes on.


From Holding on to Chaos by Lucy Score: He’d managed a chapter and then the better part of another when things began to heat up on the page. The heroine and her hero were losing clothing faster than he lost money to Fitz at poker.


You can find more recommendations here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for joining me on this Monday Musings adventure.