Welcome to my Monday Musings. This day is almost over, but it’s still Monday, so it counts. I missed last week, was a bit busy catching up with work, so this is a recap of the last two weeks.

Last weekend our family went to a defensive driving course day. It was super fun. The morning was spent in the “classroom” going over safe driving tips and so on. And in the afternoon we got to practice some driving skills, such as dodging animals on the road, what to do when you drop a wheel, if a car suddenly appears in your lane on the highway, and what to do in a skid. It was great fun.

I’d like to say it was an exciting two weeks, but really it was filled with work, driving kids around and doing house work. Today was Victoria Day here in Canada, so everybody was home.

There are a bunch of wildfires going on far to the north of us, but the smoke has been blowing our way and covering the city for most of the past week. Everything smells like campfire all the time. Burning eyes, burning throats, coughing are all par for the course. We did have a small thunder storm this afternoon, so hopefully that helped somewhat.

Tomorrow is the start of our provincial elections. We have five days of advanced voting with the election day on the 29th. I’m working at our local voting area on all the days. So, I’m not going to be posting anything this coming week and Monday Musings will have to wait two weeks again.

And now on to the reading part of the post. (To find out more about the books: For mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. For PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


I posted three reviews over the last two weeks, not too shabby, I think. Looks like a bit of a Meghan Quinn binge here.


I’m just putting up one book up for this coming week. Some more might be added as the week goes on, depends on how much I value my sleep.


You can find more recommendations here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for musing with me on this beautiful Monday.

*Post image by Freepik.