Welcome to my Monday Musings. The first Monday of February is here. Yesterday it snowed like it was the end of the world, and today the sun is out. It was an uneventful week. I did some online shopping and some in person shopping with a friend at the mall. And a lot of snow shoveling yesterday. On a different note, wish me lots and lots of luck, I have a job interview next week to prepare for. I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s been years since I had to go for an interview.

And now on to the reading part of the post. (Mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


I added two new reviews and the quickie reviews are here.


Some more will inevitably be added as the week goes on.


You can find more recommendations here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for joining me on this Monday Musings adventure.

*Post image by Freepik.