Welcome to my Monday Musings. And just like that it’s December. My Christmas tree and decorations are up and I’m loving it. It was a super busy week. My son had Mean Girl performances at his school every night last week. They were amazing and I loved it. He was exhausted. This weekend we went to a Christmas party at a friend’s house, which was spectacularly fun. And today I went for a long walk with a friend.

And now on to the reading part of the post. (To find out more about the books: For mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. For PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


I added three new reviews in the past weeks, and there are no quickie reviews this week.


Some more will inevitably be added as the week goes on.


From A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley:

Calladia was not a graceful sleeper… She’d rotated more than a rotisserie chicken over the last hour, and it was tremendously fun to watch.

The memories spilled out from there, like tiles tumbling into an artist’s hand, bright pieces that, once assembled in the correct order, would form the mosaic of his past.

“You are wholly yourself, and that in itself is perfect, because anything else would be a lie.”


You can find more recommendations here. Is there anything you’d like to recommend? I’m always open to new authors and new books.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for joining me on this Monday Musings adventure.

*Post image by Freepik.