Welcome to my Monday Musings. It has been quite a week of ups and downs, let me tell you.

About two weeks ago I was walking along, minding my own business, when I came face-to-face with a very unpleasant creature. The interaction was but a moment in time, and yet had lasting consequences. You see, my undesirable companion in his yellow and black striped suit, didn’t adhere to his end of the bargain. The one where I stay out of his way and he stays out of mine. I’m still not sure exactly what happened, because the two of us were in a very open space and still we managed to connect. I have no idea what thoughts he left with, but I left with a nasty sting on my ankle and a lot of swear words as the pain took hold of me. And was that the end of it, you ask? Definitely not. I’ve had two weeks of pain, crazy itchiness, and a foot that resembled a very angry, red marshmallow. It’s a good thing it’s flip-flop season. I am happy to report that the end is in sight. My foot looks like a foot again and the only token I’m left with is a small red spot on the outside of my ankle. Not an experience I would like to repeat.

A different experience that is definitely worth repeating was watching the meteor shower. My family and I had excellent bonding time over midnight excursions to dark spots where we can view the stars. Friday we found ourselves alone on the side of a dark, deserted road where we lounged on picnic blankets with our gazes trained on the sky. The meteor shower did grace us with quite a few shows. Eventually exhaustion and the increasingly coyote songs drove us back home. But it was time well spent for sure.

Let’s get to the reading portion of this post.

My reading past and present:
(For mobile users – tap on the image of the book cover. For PC users – just hover the mouse over the cover.)


For some I have a posted review on here, others I just read for fun, but still want to share with you.

reviews coming soon


I look forward to my reading list this week and I hope I can get to all of them:

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments below.

And that’s it. Thanks for musing with me on this beautiful Monday.