Welcome to my Monday Musings. School and work is back in full swing and the kids are busy, busy, busy. The extra activities are also..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. Hmm, I think it's been about a month since my last recap? Wow, I have dropped the ball lately. I..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. I enjoyed watching the Olympics. Mostly I just watched the highlights that our local news station broadcast all day long,..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. It has been a hot minute since my last weekly recap. Don't know what to tell you, life just got..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. All the exams are now over and both my kids are on holiday. Not sure what they have planned for..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. My glass blowing class is now all done. I met up with my friend who did the class with me,..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. I have missed the last two weeks of updates and I will stick to just the books I read the..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. On Tuesday I volunteered at an event that ran until 3am the next morning, which threw everything into a tired..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. I have certainly been enjoying the warmer spring weather of the past week. We even bought some flowers for the..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. It's May and spring is definitely in the air. Finally. I missed last week's musings, oops. The past two weeks..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. I had a super weird reading slump last week. I started about four books that I was excited about, but..
Welcome to my Monday Musings. I missed my recap last Monday and I think I'll keep my book updates to just this past week's reading...